Housing of lactating sows

WEISBAUEROVÁ, Eva, ROZKOT, Miroslav and LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena. Housing of lactating sows. Náš chov, 2024, vol. 84(7), p. 34-35. ISSN .
Internal link24166.pdf

The housing of farrowing and lactating sows is currently a topical issue addressed by breeders, the scientific community, animal welfare experts and the general public. When assessing the suitability or unsuitability of individual technologies, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the sow, piglets and breeder. Different housing systems differ in the length of sow confinement or the space requirements available to the animals. Technologies using confinement of lactating sows have been used extensively for decades. Their advantages were low space requirements, ease of handling of animals and low piglet mortality due to crushing. Less consideration was given to the welfare of sows and piglets. The advantage of free housing is the possibility for the sow to freely express maternal behavior, including nest building, if she is provided with suitable material. As an alternative between free housing and permanent confinement of sows during lactation, pens with temporary fixation of the sow are used for a few days after farrowing. These pens combine the advantages of classic fixation cages and free farrowing pens.