Including global Interbull values into domestic genomic evaluation of dairy cattle milk production

PŘIBYL, J., BAUER, J., FULINOVÁ, D., MOTYČKA, J., PEŠEK, P., PŘIBYLOVÁ, J., ŠPLÍCHAL, J., VOSTRÁ VYDROVÁ, H., VOSTRÝ, L. & ZAVADILOVÁ, L. Včlenění světových interbullových hodnot do domácího genomického hodnocení. Náš chov, 2015, roč. 75, č. 11, s. 30-3
PŘIBYL, Josef, BAUER, Jiří, FULINOVÁ, D., MOTYČKA, J., PEŠEK, Petr, PŘIBYLOVÁ, Jana, ŠPLÍCHAL, J., VOSTRÁ VYDROVÁ, Hana, VOSTRÝ, Luboš and ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila. Including global Interbull values into domestic genomic evaluation of dairy cattle milk production. Náš chov, 2015, vol. 75(11), p. 30-31. ISSN .
Internal link15142.pdf

Domestic dairy cattle are affected by permanent import of insemination doses. Young animals have therefore week connection to domestic production recording and theirs evaluation is less reliable, it was judged the incorporation of global Interbull values into domestic evaluation of milk production. Interbull estimated breeding values were de-regressed indo test-day records and the weights were assigned according reliabilities of estimated breeding values. De-regressed values were added to nation-wide production control. With BLUP and ssGBLUP methods by test-day model were predicted estimated breeding values and genomic enhanced breeding values. Predictions of values of young bulls according data till year 2009 were compared with theirs progeny test results in year 2014. Genomic enhanced breeding values have higher reliabilities than usual estimated breeding values. Incorporation of Interbull values improved reliability of both estimated breeding values and genomic enhanced breeding values.