Effect of conventional farrowing cages, temporary fixation and free farrowing system on piglet production traits and economy of pig production

VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI a MENDELOVA UNIVERZITA V BRNĚ. Effect of conventional farrowing cages, temporary fixation and free farrowing system on piglet production traits and economy of pig production. Authors: NEVRKLA, Pavel, WEISBAUEROVÁ, Eva, HADAŠ, Zdeněk, SYRŮČEK, Jan, ČTVRTLÍKOVÁ KNITLOVÁ, Drahomíra, SEČKÁŘ, Jan, ROZKOT, Miroslav, LUSTYKOVÁ, Alena and TRUNĚČKOVÁ, Jana.. Česká republika. Certifikovaná metodika 978-80-7403-332-2. 2025-01-08.
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The main goal of sow breeding is economically balanced piglet production. Herd productivity is most often expressed as the number of weaned piglets per sow per year. From the point of view of piglet prosperity, the most important period is the time of farrowing and subsequent lactation of the sows. Sow breeding before farrowing, during farrowing and until weaning of the piglets is largely carried out in conventional farrowing cages. In the European Union, 90% of piglets are currently born in these systems. Although these systems are considered to be economically highly efficient (lower piglet mortality, space saving, higher animal hygiene, efficiency of work procedures), this system is problematic from the point of view of sow welfare and raises social concerns about animal welfare related to the restriction of sow movement and a significant reduction in natural behavior. Therefore, new alternatives have been developed in the housing of farrowing and lactating sows, and others are constantly being developed. The aim of the work was to analyze the reproductive performance of sows, losses and growth of piglets until weaning in three different housing systems. Namely in conventional farrowing cages, in pens with temporary fixation and a free system that allows nesting. The aim was also to evaluate the economic performance of the monitored systems.