Vliv lykopenu a vitaminu E na růst, kvalitu a oxidativní stabilitu stehenního svalstva brojlerových kuřat

BUBANCOVÁ, I. & STRAKOVÁ, E. Vliv lykopenu a vitaminu E na růst, kvalitu a oxidativní stabilitu stehenního svalstva brojlerových kuřat. In XIII, konference mladých vědeckých pracovníků s mezinárodní účastí. Brno: VFU, 2011, s. 84-86.{INTLINK}
BUBANCOVÁ, Ivana a STRAKOVÁ, E., 2011 Vliv lykopenu a vitaminu E na růst, kvalitu a oxidativní stabilitu stehenního svalstva brojlerových kuřat. In XIII, konference mladých vědeckých pracovníků s mezinárodní účastí. Brno: VFU, s. 84-86. ISSN
Internal link11120.pdf

A experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of lycopene (L) and α-tocopheryl acetate (E) in the diet for chickens on growth traits, oxidative stability and chemical composition of leg meat and vitamins content in meat and liver. Significant interaction of L and E addition was found out in body weight in 21st day of age , malondialdehyde content in raw and 3 days stored leg meat at temperature from 2.5 to 4°C, cholesterol content in leg meat and L content in liver. The chickens with the highest body weight came from group fed 75 mg/kg of L with 50 mg/kg of E. The α-tocopheryl acetate supplement increased oxidative stability of raw and stored leg muscle. The lowest value of cholesterol content in meat was recorded in broilers fed 75 mg/kg of L contrary to control treatment. Dietary E reduced fat content and increased ash content in leg meat. The highest concentration of L in liver was determined after supplementation of diet by the highest level of E and L in comparison with control group.