Effect of calf rearing management on antimicrobial resistence

NOVÁK, Pavel, MALÁ, Gabriela and PRÁŠEK, Josef. Effect of calf rearing management on antimicrobial resistence. Náš chov, 2023, vol. 83(2), p. 49-51. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
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The paper is focused on the analysis of the possibility of reducing the incidence of antimicrobial resistance during the rearing of calves during the milk feeding period by following the management of calf rearing as an integral part of the principles of good husbandry practice. Management of rearing calves during milk feeding period must be directed to the area of the method of rearing (continuous x all-in all-out), increasing the resistance of organism (passive and active immunity), reducing the risk penetration and spreading of pathogens (hygiene and sanitation), including limiting the negative effects of stress factors (microclimate, social stress, transportation, technology).