Influence of the Organic Housing System on the Cecal Bacterial Microbiota in Chickens

ČERMÁK, L., KUDRNOVÁ, E., SKŘIVANOVÁ, V. & SKŘIVANOVÁ, E. Vliv pastevního výkrmu na složení bakteriální mikrobioty ve slepých střevech kuřat. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, 2015, s. 58-62.{INTLINK}
ČERMÁK, Ladislav, KUDRNOVÁ, Elena, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra a SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva., 2015 Influence of the Organic Housing System on the Cecal Bacterial Microbiota in Chickens. In XI. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita, s. 58-62. ISSN
Internal link15206.pdf

The microbial communities of the cecum of broiler chickens from a conventional and an organic farm were investigated by cultivation. Organic system is believed to reduce stress, increase comfort and bird welfare, which leads to products with better taste and flavour compared to conventionally produced broiler chicken. A difference in cecal settlement of total anaerobes, coliforms, lactic acid bacteria, Campylobacters and salmonellas in the two different farming systems was addressed. No Campylobacters and salmonellas were detected. Higher counts of anaerobes, coliforms and milk fermentation bacteria were found in conventional farm. Though, only the difference in coliforms was statistically significant.