Effect of a limited feed intake on growth performance, meat quality and carcass traits of Czech white rabbits
VOLEK, Z., VOLKOVÁ, L., TŮMOVÁ, E. & CHODOVÁ, D. Vliv restrikce krmiva na užitkovost, kvalitu masa a jatečného těla králíků plemene český albín. Maso, 2013, roč. 24, č. 2, s. 55-58.{INTLINK}
Year | 2013 |
Cathegory | Publication in specialized journals |
Internal link | 13043.pdf |
Abstract | The aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of a feed restriction on a feed cost, growth performance and meat quality and carcass traits of Czech White rabbits. Over the whole fattening period, the feed restriction reduced significantly the feed conversion ratio (P=0.009), and thereby a margin on the feed cost was improved by 10.3%. Carcass characteristics and meat quality were not greatly affected by the feed restriction, except for a profile of fatty acids. |
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