The influence of silage preparations on the quality of alfalfa silage

LOUČKA, Radko, HOMOLKA, Petr, JANČÍK, Filip and KUBELKOVÁ, Petra. The influence of silage preparations on the quality of alfalfa silage. Úroda, 2024, vol. 72(12), p. 365-371. ISSN 0139-6013.
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The aim of the study was to compare the results of fermentation and aerobic stability in alfalfa silages treated with different silage additives. Alfalfa cuttings were ensiled in special perforated bags, inserted directly into the silage in the silage trough. Before placing the cuttings in the bags, a silage additive was applied by spraying the cuttings. The negative control was silage without the use of any silage additive, the positive control was an additive of a bacterial nature (with an inoculant containing Lactobacillus plantarum) and chemical additives. The course of fermentation and aerobic degradation after silage exposure to air was monitored with a thermochron temperature sensor, dry matter losses were determined by weighing samples, chemical analyses of samples were determined in an accredited laboratory using standard methods. The hypotheses were confirmed that the application of silage additives, whether biological inoculants or chemical preservatives, can significantly reduce dry matter losses and the risk of unsatisfactory fermentation results. Aerobic stability was so high for all silages that there is no need to solve it by adding a bacterial inoculant or a chemical preservative.