Milk producers and dairies in international competition

KVAPILÍK, J. & KOPÁČEK, J. Výrobci mléka a mlékárny v mezinárodní konkurenci. , 2014, roč. 74, č. 6, s. 16-22.{INTLINK}
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich and KOPÁČEK, J. Milk producers and dairies in international competition. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(6), p. 16-22. ISSN .
Internal link14054.pdf

The current situation and perspective of milk production in Germany, the EU and the world dealt fifth Dairy Forum in Berlin called „Milk producers and dairies in international competition – the future development“ held in March 2014. In individual papers were presented factors affecting success milk production and their importance in the upcoming period. In relation to the developments in the market have been highlighted tasks dairies (export promotion, etc.). Dairy Forum participants from the Czech Republic might appear that the main reasons for the success of the German dairy sector is its current political support.