The presence of the Boorola gene in the Merinolandschaf sheep population in the CR

MILERSKI, M. & KOTT, T.. Výskyt genu Booroola v populaci ovcí plemene merinolandschaf v ČR. Náš chov. 2009, roč. 69, č. 3, s. 34-36.
MILERSKI, Michal and KOTT, Tomáš. The presence of the Boorola gene in the Merinolandschaf sheep population in the CR. Náš chov, 2009, vol. 69(3), p. 34-36. ISSN 0027-8068.
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The presence of FecB (Booroola) high prolificacy major gene in the population of Merinolandschaf (ML) sheep in the Czech Republic was confirmed by the genotypization on the BMPR-1R locus. Totally 31 heterozygous and 3 homozygous carriers of the FecBB allele have been found until now. The Booroola major gene carriers are closely related to each other. According to the pedigree analysis probably only one animal transfered the major gene into ML population. Mean litter size of the FecBB/- ewes was 2.46 lambs/lambing, while the population mean for ML sheep breed in the CR was 1.40 lambs/lambing.