Waste utilization in pig feeding

BĚLKOVÁ, J. & VÁCLAVKOVÁ, E. Využití odpadů ve výživě prasat. Náš chov, 2014, roč. 74, č. 11, s. 48-50.{INTLINK}
BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Waste utilization in pig feeding. Náš chov, 2014, vol. 74(11), p. 48-50. ISSN .
Internal link14136.pdf

By-products resulting from the processing of raw materials in the food industry, it is possible to use in pig feeding with good nutritional value and low price. Wastes suitable for feed are produced, for example in the dairy industry (whey), distillery (stillage), sugar production (pulp), brewing (draff), etc. These are usually low proportion of dry matter and it require a specific procedure for the feeding, which best matches the technology of wet feeding, which brings a number of benefits, including the automation of feeding and reducing the cost of feed.