Using SKVS in Czech Fleckvieh breeding

SVITÁKOVÁ, A. & BAUER, J. Využití SKVS při šlechtění českého strakatého skotu. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 6, s. 22-23.{INTLINK}
SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena and BAUER, Jiří. Using SKVS in Czech Fleckvieh breeding. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(6), p. 22-23. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
Internal link12058.pdf

Meat production is one of the most important properties for Czech Fleckvieh. For the evaluation of this property, you can use various data – performance test of breeding bulls, values of the carcasses (in SEUROP system) or progeny test (SKVS). Results show that there are not adequately provided an appropriate conditions of testing for the current type of animal. This leads to averaging the results, because the animals are not allowed to fully exploit their genetic abilities.