Importance of the choice criteria in decision making. Topic of the Week: corn silage hybrids and selection.

LOUČKA, R. Význam volby kritéria při rozhodování. Téma týdne : Kukuřice a výběr silážních hybridů.. Zemědělec, 2014, roč. 22, č. 47, s. 13-24.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko. Importance of the choice criteria in decision making. Topic of the Week: corn silage hybrids and selection.. Zemědělec, 2014, vol. 22(47), p. 13-24. ISSN .
Internal link14143.pdf

In this paper were given information about some of the selection criteria hybrids and little guidance on how to work with them. Each hybrid has some pros and cons of some of what is a single asset, can be another negative. It’s good that there’s plenty to choose from.