Sampling of feed

VELEBNÝ, L. and LOUČKA, Radko. Sampling of feed. In Vzorkování III, potraviny, zemědělství, předněty běžného užívání. Český Těšín: 2 THETA, 2016, s. 240-253. ISBN 978-80-86380-80-3.
CathegoryMonographs, brochures, book chapters
No. of pages290
Internal link16097.pdf

Any analysis of feed is only as good as the quality of the lab receives the sample. Therefore silages occur rapidly to aerobic degradation, the correct sampling silage is more important than for other feeds. Silage samples for the purpose of planning of the feed balance taken from closed silo space (silage troughs, plastic bags, or giant bales) by a tubular cutter, can be manual or motor drive. During the feeding period, for the purpose of operational calculations composition rations, are then sampled from the open profile of ensiling space.