Exterior and longevity of Holstein cows

ZAVADILOVÁ, L., NĚMCOVÁ, E. & ŠTÍPKOVÁ, M. Zevnějšek a dlouhověkost holštýnských krav. Náš chov, 2012, roč. 72, č. 3, s. 20-21.{INTLINK}
ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, NĚMCOVÁ, Eva and ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava. Exterior and longevity of Holstein cows. Náš chov, 2012, vol. 72(3), p. 20-21. ISSN .
Internal link12031.pdf

Relationships between composite conformation traits (dairy form, body capacity, body composition, udder, final score, and feet and legs), height at sacrum and functional longevity in 116 369 Holstein cows were evaluated using survival analysis. The strongest relationship between a composite trait and functional longevity was found for dairy form, the lowest for capacity and feet and legs. For dairy form, cows classified as very good were the worst with respect to longevity, whereas cows classified as poor were the best. For udder, feet and legs, capacity and body composition, the highest relative risk of culling was found in the lowest class. For height at sacrum, tall cows tended to have poorer longevity.