Zinc for weaned piglets yes or no?

BĚLKOVÁ, Jaroslava. and VÁCLAVKOVÁ, Eva. Zinc for weaned piglets yes or no?. Krmivářství, 2017, vol. 21(6), p. 15-17. ISSN .
Internal link17249.pdf

The use of high therapeutic doses of zinc oxide in feed mixtures for weaned piglets has until recently been a common practice that has allowed pig farmers to stimulate growth and to decrease diarrhea and diseases during a critical post-weaning period. However, zinc also has a number of negative effects when it is used in high doses. In July 2016, the EU issued new rules for the use of Zn in selected animal categories. In June 2017, the European Commission decided to ban the use of veterinary medicinal products containing ZnO due to adverse environmental effects and the potential for microbial resistance. It will be necessary to focus intensively on the development of products and processes that would replace products with ZnO. The article is focuses on possible alternatives available for use in pig nutrition.