Changes of crude protein by wilting and ensilaging of alfalfa

LOUČKA, R. Změny dusíkatých látek zavadáním a silážováním vojtěšky. Náš chov, 2011, roč. 71, č. 3, s. 54-55.{INTLINK}
LOUČKA, Radko. Changes of crude protein by wilting and ensilaging of alfalfa. Náš chov, 2011, vol. 71(3), p. 54-55. ISSN 0027-8068.
CathegoryPublication in specialized journals
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Wilting and fermentation¸ especially of alfalfa with lower content of DM (31,5 %), was significantly increased proportion of more soluble non-protein fraction (A) of crude protein at the expense of soluble protein fractions (B). Significantly higher proportion of retention fraction B was found in silage preserved with chemical preservatives in comparison with a bacterial silage inoculant and no added preservatives.