Method of Increase Contents Aminoacid in Seed Cereals and Leguminous Plant

Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v. v. i., Praha 10 - Uhříněves, CZ, . Způsob zvyšování obsahu aminokyselin v semenech obilovin a luskovin. Původce vynálezu: KOUCKÝ, M., ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, S. & KUDRNA, V. . Patentový spis CZ 304413 B6. (2014){INTLINK}
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Method of Increase Contents Aminoacid in Seed Cereals and Leguminous Plant. Authors: KOUCKÝ, Milan, ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Světlana and KUDRNA, Václav.. Česká republika. Patentový spis CZ 304413 B6. 2014-03-12.
Internal link14029.pdf

In applying the provision way escalation content amino – acids in grains cereals and pulse crops, grain in start-up phase germination 24 as far as 144 o’clock damper aqueous solution carbamide or ammonium salts with increasing gradient concentration so, to was by kind seeds applied first the day after start of germination 0,1 as far as 0,4 g, second day 0,2 as far as 0,65 g, third day 0,3 as far as 1 g, fourth day 0,3 as far as 1,2 g, fifth day 0,4 as far as 2,3 g and sixth day 0,4 as far as 2,4 g nitrogen always on kg dry matter germinant grains at temperature 15 as far as 20 °C, whereas is fit at the same time tack to moistening solution mineral supplement.