SKŘIVAN, Miloš, ŠIMÁNĚ, J., DLOUHÁ, Gabriela and DOUCHA, J. Effect of dietary sodium selenite, Se-enriched yeast and Se-enriched Chlorella on egg Se concentration, physical parameters of eggs and laying hen production. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 51, 163-167. ISSN 1212-1819. 2006
KOPEČNÝ, J., MRÁZEK, J., FLIEGEROVÁ, K. and KOTT, Tomáš. Effect of Gluten-Free Diet on Microbes in the Colon. Folia Microbiologica, 2006, 51, 287-290. ISSN 0015-5632. 2006
JÍLEK, František, ŘEHÁK, Dalibor, VOLEK, Jaroslav, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, NĚMCOVÁ, Eva, FIEDLEROVÁ, Markéta, RAJMON, Radko aND ŠVESTKOVÁ, D. Effect of herd, parity, stage of lactation and milk yield on urea concentration in milk. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 51, 510-517. ISSN 1212-1819. 2006
MILERSKI, Michal, MÁTLOVÁ, Věra, KUCHTÍK, J. and MAREŠ, V. Effect of new support regimes on incomes of sheep farmers in the Czech Republic. Small Ruminant Research, 2006, 62, 201-206. ISSN 0921-4488. 2006
SEDMÍKOVÁ, M., RAJMON, Radko, PETR, Jaroslav, ŠVESTKOVÁ, D., CHMELÍKOVÁ, Eva, AKAL, A. B., ROZINEK, J., and JÍLEK, František. Effect of Protein Kinase C Inhibitors on Porcine Oocyte Activation. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2006, 305A, 376-382. ISSN 1932-5223. 2006
WOLFOVÁ, Marie, PŘIBYL, Josef, WOLF, Jochen and ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, Radka. Effect of subsidy regimes on economic values of functional traits in beef cattle breeding. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 2006, 123, 97-104. ISSN 0931-2668. 2006
SKŘIVAN, Miloš, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra and MAROUNEK, Milan. Effect of Various Copper Supplements to Feed of Laying Hens on Cu Content in Eggs, Liver, Excreta, Soil, and Herbage. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2006, 50, 280-283. ISSN 0090-4341. 2006
ŠARAPATKA, B., URBAN, J., MÁTLOVÁ, Věra. et al. Ecological agriculture practically. Šumperk: Pro-Bio, 2006, 497 p. ISBN 978-80-903583-0-0 2006
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Economic indicators in suckler cows breeding. Náš chov, 2006, vol. 66(2), p. 25-29. ISSN 0027-8068. 2006
DOLEJŠ, Jan, MAŠATA, Ondřej and TOUFAR, Oldřich. Elimination of dust production from stables for dairy cows. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 51, 305-310. ISSN 1212-1819. 2006
BARTOŠ, Luděk and HOLEČKOVÁ, J. Exciting ungulates: male-male mounting in fallow, white-tailed and red deer. In Homosexual Behaviour in Animals. Edinburgh: Cambridge University Press, 2006, s. 154-167. ISBN 0-521-86446-1. 2006
LÁNSKÁ, V., CHMELÍKOVÁ, Eva, SEDMÍKOVÁ, M., PETR, Jaroslav, RAJMON, Radko, JEŠETA, M. a ROZINEK, J. Expression of heat shock protein70 in pig oocytes: Heat shock response during oocyte growth. Animal Reproduction Science, 2006, 96, 154-164. ISSN 0378-4320. 2006
ORAVCOVÁ, M., MARGETÍN, M., PEŠKOVIČOVÁ, D., DAŇO, J., MILERSKI, Michal, HETÉNYI, L. aND POLÁK, P. Factors affecting milk yield and ewe's lactation curves estimated with test-day models. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 51, 483-490. ISSN 1212-1819. 2006
MILERSKI, Michal, MARGETÍN, Milan a MAXA, J., 2006 Factors affecting the longissimus dorsi muscle depth and backfatt hickness measured by ultrasound technique in lambs. In The Strategies of Animal Production in the Aspect of Environment Protection. Lublin: Departments of Sheep and Goat Breeding, s. 282-288. ISSN 0003-9438 2006
DEMBELE, I., ŠPINKA, Marek, STĚHULOVÁ, Ilona, PANAMÁ, José and FIRLA, Pavel. Factors contributing to the incidence and prevalence of lameness on Czech dairy farms. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 51, 102-109. ISSN 1212-1819. 2006
MAERTENS, Luc, FALCAO-E-CUNHA, Louisa and MAROUNEK, Milan. Feed additives to reduce the use of antibiotics. In Recent advances in rabbit sciences. Melle - Belgium: European cooperation in the field of Scientific and Tecfinical Research, 2006, s. 259-265. ISBN 92-898-0030-5. 2006
SOLDÁT, Jiří and KOTT, Tomáš. Allele frequencies of milk composition genes in Czech Fleckvieh population. Náš chov, 2006, vol. 66(6), p. 32-33. ISSN 0027-8068. 2006
CZERNEKOVÁ, Vladimíra, KOTT, Tomáš, DUDKOVÁ, Gabriela, SZTANKÓOVÁ, Zuzana and SOLDÁT, Jiří. Genetic diversity between seven Central European cattle breeds as revealed by microsatellite analysis. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2006, 51, 1-7. ISSN 1212-1819. 2006
PLUHÁČEK, Jan, BARTOŠ, Luděk and ČULÍK, L. High-ranking mares of captive plains zebra Equus burchelli have greater reproductive success than low-ranking mares. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2006, 99, 315-329. ISSN 0168-1591. 2006
PÁCHOVÁ, Eva and ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila. Evaluation of length of productive life in Holstein cattle. Náš chov, 2006, vol. 66(3), p. 92-93. ISSN 0027-8068. 2006
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