KUDRNA, Václav. Problems of dairy cows nutrition during dry period. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(11), p. P8-P11. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. The production and purchase prices of calves. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(12), p. 35-39. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
TOUFAR, Oldřich, DOLEJŠ, Jan and KNÍŽEK, Josef. The ammonia production and its inhibition by additives application in sow breeding. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(12), p. 51-54. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
KVAPILÍK, Jindřich. Beef cattle production. In Chov skotu v ČR. Praha: Českomoravská společnost chovatelů, 2005, s. 25-35. ISBN 80-239-5109-2. 2005
PINĎÁK, Alois and MILERSKI, Michal. The production and quality of slaughter lambs are influenced by more factors. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(4), p. 64-67. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
REYES, E., LOBOS A., CARRASCO C., CORTES R., BUBENIK, G., SCHAMS D., BARTOŠ, Luděk and ACUŇA, A. The program of conservation of native species Pudu pudu Molina (Mammalia, Cervidae). In Cria en cautividad de fauna chilena. Chile: Universidad de Chile, 2005, s. 363-370. ISBN 956-7987-04-1. 2005
VOLEK, Zdeněk., MAROUNEK, Milan and SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra. Replacing starch by pectin and inulin in diet of early-weaned rabbits: effect on performance, health and nutrient digestibility. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2005, 14, 327-337. ISSN 1230-1388. 2005
ČEŘOVSKÝ, Josef and ROZKOT, Miroslav. Reproduction of pigs in practice: that is insemination and oxytocin. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(2), p. P26-P27. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. The equations for the instrumental carcass grading methods FOM, HGP, Ultra FOM 300 and the manual method ZP. Authors: PULKRÁBEK, Jan, VALIŠ, Libor and VÍTEK, Martin.. Česká republika, EU. Právní norma 194/2004 Sb., 2005/1/ES. 2005-07-12. 2005
KNÍŽKOVÁ, Ivana and KUNC, Petr. Suckling calves vs. machine milking. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(10), p. P34-P35. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
ŠAFUS, Petr, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, STÁDNÍK, Luděk and PŘIBYL, Josef. Selection indexes for Czech Pied Cattle bulls in the Czech Republic. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(5), p. 28-32. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
ŠAFUS, Petr, PŘIBYL, Josef, VESELÁ, Zdeňka, VOSTRÝ, Luboš, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, STÁDNÍK, Luděk and ŠEBA, K. Selection indexes for beef cattle. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(11), p. 22-26. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
TYROLOVÁ, Yvona. Ensiling with additives. Krmivářství, 2005, vol. 9(2), p. P1-P9. ISSN 1212-9992. 2005
TOUFAR, Oldřich and DOLEJŠ, Jan. Reduction of ammonia emissions in broiler rabbits rearing. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(4), p. 69-70. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
MARGETÍN, Milan, MILERSKI, Michal, APOLEN, D., ČAPISTRÁK, A., ŠPÁNIK, J. and ORAVCOVÁ, M. Milk ejektion in ewes during first 60 seconds of machine milking. Journal of Farm Animal Science, 2005, vol. 38(1), p. 201-209. ISSN 1335-3683. 2005
ŠAFUS, Petr, ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, STÁDNÍK, Luděk, PŘIBYL, Josef a ČERMÁK, V. Sub-indexes for bulls of Holstein breed in the Czech Republic. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2005, 50, 254-265. ISSN 1212-1819. 2005
SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva, MAROUNEK, Milan, DLOUHÁ, Gabriela and KAŇKA, J. Susceptibility of Clostritidum perfringens to C2-C18 fatty acids. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2005, 41, 77-81. ISSN 0266-8254. 2005
PETR, Jaroslav. Blood test for prion disease - what is a rumour and what is not. Náš chov, 2005, vol. 65(11), p. 18-19. ISSN 0027-8068. 2005
BUBENIK, G. A., MILLER, K. V., LISTER, A. L., OSBORN, D. A., BARTOŠ, Luděk and VAN DER KRAAK, G. J. Testosterone and estradiol concentrations in serum, velvet skin, and growing antler bone of male white-tailed deer. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2005, 303A, 186–192. ISSN 1548-8969. 2005
GOLIÁŠOVÁ, Eliška a DVOŘÁK, J. The oestrogen receptor gene (ESR) PvuII polymorphism genotype and allele frequencies in Czech Large White and Landrace. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2005, vol. 53(2), p. 33-38. ISSN 1211-8516. 2005
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