PINĎÁK, Alois and MILERSKI, Michal. The crossing of sheep with the meat breeds improves growth intensity and carcass quality of lambs.. Náš chov, 2004, vol. 64(5), p. 43-45. ISSN 0027-8068. 2004
DOLEŽAL, Oldřich KUNC, Petr, KNÍŽEK, Josef and BÍLEK, Miloslav. Ligh welfare in dairy cow barn. Preference testing.. Annals of Animal Science, 2004, vol. 2004(Supplementum 1), p. 57-59. ISSN 1642-3402. 2004
WOLFOVÁ, Marie, WOLF, Jochen, ZAHRÁDKOVÁ, Radka, PŘIBYL, Josef, DAŇO, J. and KICA, J. Main sources of the economic efficiency of beef cattle production systems. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2004, 49, 357-372. ISSN 1212-1819. 2004
KOŠAŘ, Květoslav and NÁVAROVÁ, Hana. Does have aviary in CR future?. Náš chov, 2004, vol. 64(5), p. 40-41. ISSN 0027-8068. 2004
ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Světlana, KOUCKÝ, Milan and RŮNOVÁ, Kateřina. The fatty acids in raw and cooked broiler meat in the course of the copper supplementation in the broiler diet. Maso, 2004, vol. 15(3), p. 9-11. ISSN 1210-4086. 2004
ILLMANN, Gudrun. Maternal behaviour in domestic pigs. Náš chov, 2004, vol. 64(2), p. 28-30. ISSN 0027-8068. 2004
BERKA,T., ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava, VOLEK, Jaroslav, ŘEHÁK, Dalibor, MATĚJŮ, G. and JÍLEK, František. Monitoring of physical activity for management of cow reproduction. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2004, 49, 281-288. ISSN 1212-1819. 2004
DANĚK, Petr and BEČKOVÁ, Růžena. The possibilities of probiotic using. Krmivářství, 2004, vol. 8(3), p. 29-30. ISSN 1212-9992. 2004
VÝZKUMNÝ ÚSTAV ŽIVOČIŠNÉ VÝROBY, v.v.i. V UHŘÍNĚVSI. Watering - watering places, water consumption and quality. Authors: DOLEŽAL, Oldřich and ČERNÁ, Daniela.. Česká republika. Metodické listy 80-86454-52-5. 2004-07-06. 2004
FULKA, Helena, MRÁZEK, M. and FULKA, Josef Jr. Nucleolar dysfunction may be associated with infertility in humans. Fertility and Sterility, 2004, 82, 486 - 487. ISSN 0015-0282. 2004
FULKA, Josef Jr., LOI, P., FULKA, Helena, PTAK, G. and NAGAI, T. Nucleus transfer in mammals: noninvasive approaches for the preparation of cytoplasts. Trends in Biotechnology, 2004, 22, 279-283. ISSN 0167-7799. 2004
ŠPINKA, Marek, GONYOU, H., LI, Y. and BATE, L.A. Nursing synchronisation in lactating sows as affected by activity, distance between the sows and playback of nursing vocalisations. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2004, 88, 13-26. ISSN 0168-1591. 2004
VOSTRÝ, Luboš, VESELÁ, Zdeňka, PŘIBYL, Josef a ŠEBA, K. Estimation breeding value of bulls in performance-test station beef breeds. Náš chov, 2004, vol. 64(6), p. 8-10. ISSN 0027-8068. 2004
PŘIBYL, Josef, WOLFOVÁ, Marie, VESELÁ, Zdeňka, VOSTRÝ, Luboš and PŘIBYLOVÁ, Jana. Optimization of breeding schemes.. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 2004, vol. 22(Supplement 2), p. 87-95. ISSN 0860-4037. 2004
VALROS, A., RUNDGREN, B., ŠPINKA, Marek, SALONIEMI, H., RYDHMER, L., HULTÉN, F., UVNÄS-MOBERG K., TOMÁNEK, Milan, KREJČÍ, P. and ALGERS, B. Oxytocin, prolactin and somatostatin in lactating sows: associations with mobilisation of body resources and maternal behaviour. Livestock Production Science, 2004, 85, 3-13. ISSN 0301-6226. 2004
PULKRÁBEK, Jan, PAVLÍK, J. and VALIŠ, Libor. Pig carcass quality and pH1 values of meat. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 2004, 49, 38-42. ISSN 1212-1819. 2004
ČEŘOVSKÝ, Josef, DANĚK, Petr and HÁJEK, Jan. Production of Piglets. Náš chov, 2004, vol. 64(5), p. 13-20. ISSN 0027-8068. 2004
PORKERT, J. and ŠPINKA, Marek. Provisioning behaviour at the nest in single-parent versus biparental nests and male versus female parents in the common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus). Acta Ethologica, 2004, 7, 29-36. ISSN 0873-9749. 2004
FIEDLER, Jaromír, FIEDLEROVÁ, Markéta and SMITAL, Jaroslav. Přeštice pig breed. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., 2004, 166 p. ISBN 80-86454-39-8 2004
HÁJEK, Jan and JELÍNEK, Tomáš. Pig housing on ecological and commercial farms. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., 2004, 149 p. ISBN 80-86454-44-4 2004
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