A note on the effect of caprylic acid and triacylglycerols of caprylic and capric acid on growth rate and shedding of coccidia oocysts in weaned piglets

MAROUNEK, Milan, SKŘIVANOVÁ, Eva a SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra. A note on the effect of caprylic acid and triacylglycerols of caprylic and capric acid on growth rate and shedding of coccidia oocysts in weaned piglets. Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences, 2004, 13, 269-275. ISSN 1230-1388.
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Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) are efficient antimicrobial compounds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of caprylic acid and oil containing triacylglycerols of caprylic and capric acid on growth rate of piglets and shedding of coccidia oocysts. Weaned piglets were fed a basal diet, the same diet supplemented with caprylic acid or supplemented with the MCFA-containing oil. The experiment was carried out on a commercial farm and lasted for 3 weeks. The effect of caprylic acid on weight gains was statistically significant . Almost all piglets were infected with Cryptosporidium parvum and some of them also with Isospora suis. In treated piglets, shedding of cryptosporidial oocysts was one week delayed and the patent period was shorter. Thissuggests that a certain coccidiostatic effect of MCFA exists.

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