Analysis of foot and claw diseases/disorders in Czech Holstein cows
Kateg. publikace | Ostatní.. |
Interní odkaz | 18173.pdf |
Abstrakt | Foot and claw diseases/disorders from 24 545 lactations of 10 340 Holstein cows were recorded on 7 farms in the Czech Republic from 1999 to 2018. Three groups of foot and claw disorders were defined: skin diseases (SD), including digital and interdigital dermatitis and interdigital phlegmon; disorders of the claw horn (CH) including ulcers, white line disease, horn fissures, and double sole as well asoverall claw disease (OCD) comprising all the recorded disorders. Between 1th and 305th days of lactation OCD was recorded in 52.56% of all observed lactations. For SD and CH, the respective values were 28.61% and 27.15%. For the purposes of analyses, foot and claw disorders were defined as 0/1 occurrence per lactation. Genetic parameters for analyzed traits were estimated using linear animal models which included the random additive genetic effect of animal (A) and the permanent environmental effect of cow (PE). Fixed effects for claw diseases were parity, farm, year and season of calving, and age at calving in classes. The estimated heritability for OCD was 13.84%, whereas that for CH 12.64% and for SD was 9.83%, for ulcers (U) 8.73% and for dermatitis digitalis and interdigitalis (DD) was 9.97%, respectively. Genetic correlation between SD and CH was 17.66%, while between SD and DD 98.4% and between CH and U 92.62%. The work was supported by the project QJ1510144 and the institutional support MZE-RO0718 of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. |
Projekt | Výzkum genetických vztahů mezi dlouhověkosti, plodností, znaky zdraví vemene a končetin u skotu a ovcí, Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace |
Oddělení | Chov skotu, Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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