Association of Polymorphism at BTN1A1, SCD and LPL Gene on Somatic Cell Count in Czech White Shorthaired Goat Breed

RYCHTÁŘOVÁ, Jana, SZTANKÓOVÁ, Zuzana a SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena., 2017 Association of Polymorphism at BTN1A1, SCD and LPL Gene on Somatic Cell Count in Czech White Shorthaired Goat Breed. In Food Quality & Safety, Health & Nutrition. Skopje, Macedonia: Consulting and Training Center KEY, s. 42. ISSN
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Interní odkaz17173.pdf

Somatic cell count is an indicator of mammary gland health state. Mammary gland health is an essential factor of milk quality. Milk quality is affected as environmental as genetics factors. This study investigated associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in BTN1A1, SCD and LPL genes with somatic cell count in White shorthaired goat kept in the Czech Republic.

ProjektVýzkum faktorů ovlivňujících rentabilitu, kvalitu a bezpečnost mléka a mléčných produktů v chovech malých přežvýkavců v ČR
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat