Breeding preferences for beef cattle in the Czech Republic: preliminary report
Kateg. publikace | Ostatní.. |
Interní odkaz | 24176.pdf |
Abstrakt | The breeding of the Czech beef cattle is built on the breeding values routinely estimated for over twenty traits combined into selection indices. For the further breeding program enhancement, breeders‘ preferences were questioned using an online survey freely accessible on the beef breeders‘ web page. Farmers were asked to assign scores from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important) to twelve trait groups based on selection preferences. The online survey had 25 answers to date: 26% Aberdeen Angus, 23% Limousine, 17% Fleckvieh and 14% Charolais breeders with the most frequent herd size up to 29 cows (28% of farms) and conventional and ecological farming (54% vs. 46%). The results show that breeders give the highest importance to cows‘ temperament and calves viability (score 4.5), maternal fertility and longevity (4.2), growth (4.1) and body capacity (4.0). Polledness and health were also appreciated (4.2). Contrarily, meat quality (2.3) and bull fertility (2.2) had low importance with the highest variability (approx. 60%) for assigned score. For traits scored as important, a greater agreement among the preferences was found (variability 25%). Most of these traits are relatively new in genetic (phenotypic) evaluation, nevertheless they could have an essential place in the future index. |
Projekt | Genomická selekce masného skotu a šlechtění na odolnost v době klimatických změn, Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace |
Oddělení | Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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