Computer program EWPIG
Kateg. publikace | Metodiky certifikované; metodiky; software |
Interní odkaz | 16146.pdf |
Abstrakt | The program EWPIG is intended for the calculation of the economic values of economically important traits in pigs. Moreover, the program will be useful for some economic analyses in different production systems. The impact of production, management and economic circumstances on the economic efficiency of a given production system (measured as profit) can be studied. The program EWPIG is an implementation of a bio-economic model of an integrated pig production system. This model is based on those presented by DeVries (1989) and by Fiedler et al. (1995). The structure of the integrated pig production system is described in a more detailed way. The economic values of all traits will be expressed per farrowed sow per time unit. The age structure of the sow herds in the steady state is calculated using Markov chain methodology. The present version EWPIG allows for the calculation of economic weights for traits for a breed in a pure-bred system and for all breeds included in systems with two-way, three-way and four-way crossing. |
Projekt | Optimalizace Českého národního programu pro šlechtění prasat se zvláštním ohledem na funkční a reprodukční znaky |
Oddělení | Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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