Digestibility of nutrients, organ development and blood picture in restricted and ad libitum fed broiler rabbits

TŮMOVÁ, Eva, ZITA, L., SKŘIVANOVÁ, Věra, FUCÍKOVÁ, A., SKŘIVAN, Miloš a BUREŠOVÁ, M. Digestibility of nutrients, organ development and blood picture in restricted and ad libitum fed broiler rabbits. Archiv für Geflügelkunde, 2007, 71, 6-12. ISSN 0003-9098.
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There has been an increased interest in studying feed re¬striction in broiler rabbits in recent years. During the peri¬od of feed restriction, growth rate is slower than ±at of rabbits given ad libitum access to feed but in realimenta¬tion period when rabbits are fed ad libitum the rabbits ex¬hibit an accelerated rate of body weight gain typical of compensatory growth (SCHLOLAUT and LANGE, 1990; PERRIER and OUHAYOUN, 1996; TŮMOVÁ et al., 2002,2003). Restrict¬ed fed rabbits improve feed efficiency (MAERTENS and PEETERS, 1988; PERRIER and OUHAYOUN, 1996; TŮMOVÁ et al., 2002,2003). Improved digestibility of nutrients at restrict¬ed feeding period was found in rabbits by LEDIN (1984a, b), GIDENNE (1993) and TŮMOVÁ et al. (2003). Restricted feed¬ing can prevent post weaning digestive disorders (GIDENNE et al., 2003) and BOISOT et al. (2004) stated that the effect of prevention in feed restriction may be at least 20% of ad libitum feeding.

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