Digestibility of organic matter and neutral detergent fibre of whole maize plants and maize silage at different times of incubation
Kateg. publikace | Ostatní.. |
Interní odkaz | 12177.pdf |
Abstrakt | Genes and phenotypes of maize are extremely diverse allowing an improvement based on increasing grain yield as a way to elevate the energy content of the overall forage. The forage quality increase is apparently due to an increased proportion of grain rather than an increased quality of a stover per se. The study by Lauer et al. (2001) showed that stover neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and in vitro digestibility has remained historically unchanged when evaluated for the stover per se at a uniform planting density. Digestibility of both cell and cell wall content decreased with maturity of maize (Khan et al. 2007). There is a significant difference between a 24 and a 48-hour incubation in a rumen liquid of cows (Cole et al. 2001, Justen 2004 and Khan et al. 2007). According to Oba and Allen (1999) an enhanced NDF digestibility of forage significantly increases dry matter intake (DMI) and a milk yield. One-unit increase in the NDF digestibility was associated with a 0.17-kg increase in DMI and a 0.25-kg increase in 4% fat-corrected milk. The goal of this experiment was to compare the digestibility of an organic matter (DOM) and a digestibility of neutral detergent fibre (DNDF) of both the whole maize plants and the maize silage. |
Projekt | Faktory ovlivňující nutriční hodnotu kukuřičných siláží |
Oddělení | Výživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat |
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