Divergent selection for shape of growth curve in Japanese quail. 2. Embryonic development and growth

HYÁNKOVÁ, L.udmila, NOVOTNÁ B., KNÍŽETOVÁ, Helena a HORÁČKOVÁ, Š. Divergent selection for shape of growth curve in Japanese quail. 2. Embryonic development and growth. British Poultry Science, 2004, 45, 171-179. ISSN 0007-1668.
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I. Embryonic growth and development were analysed using meal type lines oi Japanese quail, HG and LG, divergently selected for nhape of the growth curve. A total of 1020 embryos of generations 9, 10 or 13 were Lined for analysis. 2. Cm I side nihil- inier-linc dillereiues were observed in IIK- rate i embryonic development- When compared to HG, LG embryos appeared t

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