Effect of herbal extract on growth parameters of weaned piglets
Kateg. publikace | Články v odborných časopisech |
Interní odkaz | 8236.pdf |
Abstrakt | The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of Quillaja saponaria extract on growth ability and growth parameters in piglets after weaning. The newly weaned piglets were divided into the control (C) and experimental groups (QS). The preparationcontaining Quillaja saponaria extract was added to experimental diet (125 g/t). Piglets were weighed at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the experiment. Live weight of piglets and average daily weight gain were higher in QS group during the whole experiment but the results were not significant. In the experiment, the feed consumption of the piglets was monitored as well. Although the QS piglets had higher feed consumption than the C ones, they achieved better feed conversion (kg feed /kgof weight gain). |
Oddělení | Chov prasat |
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