Epidemilogy of production diseases in high producing dairy cows on Czech dairy farms

ILLEK, Josef, KUMPRECHTOVÁ, Dana, KUDRNA, Václav, MATĚJÍČEK, M. a VLČEK, M., 2010 Epidemilogy of production diseases in high producing dairy cows on Czech dairy farms. In Xith Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Veterinářství. Brno: University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, s. 20-24. ISSN 978-80-7305-105-2
Kateg. publikacePříspěvky ve sbornících
Interní odkaz10084.pdf

There were investigated morbidity and mortality values, as well as occurence of metabolic disorders in herds of Czech dairy farm. In the periparturient period, the most frequently diagnosed were liver steatosis and subclinical hypocalcemia, whereas in the peak of lactation there were mostly diagnosed liver steatosis, ketosis and rumen acidosis.

ProjektOptimalizace výživy a chovu dojnic v podmínkách zemědělské politiky EU
OdděleníVýživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat