Estimation of genetic parameters for female fertility traits in the Czech Holstein population

BRZÁKOVÁ, Michaela, PEŠEK, Petr, ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila, PŘIBYL, Josef a KRANJČEVIČOVÁ, Anita., 2018 Estimation of genetic parameters for female fertility traits in the Czech Holstein population. In Proceedings of 11 th WCGALP. : , s. ISSN
Kateg. publikaceOstatní..
Interní odkaz18252.pdf

Genetic parameters for the days open and calving interval in the Czech Holstein population were estimated using a single trait animal model. The fertility traits were days open and calving interval. The heritability estimate was 0.038 for days open and 0.034 for calving interval. Variances of random permanent effects were higher than those of additive genetic effects in these traits in mature cows. Repeatability (w2) was 0.087 and 0.090 for days open and calving interval; respectively.

ProjektVýzkum genetických vztahů mezi dlouhověkosti, plodností, znaky zdraví vemene a končetin u skotu a ovcí, Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat