Estimation of genetic parameters for linear type traits in the population of sport horses in the Czech Republic

NOVOTNÁ, Alexandra, SVITÁKOVÁ, Alena, VESELÁ, Zdeňka a VOSTRÝ, Luboš. Estimation of genetic parameters for linear type traits in the population of sport horses in the Czech Republic. Livestock Science, 2017, 202, 1-6. ISSN 1871-1413.
Kateg. publikaceVědecké publikace impaktované
Interní odkaz17147.pdf

Linear profiling of horses has been used in the Czech Republic for 20 years but without preceding genetic evaluation (predictions of breeding values). The main objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters of linear profiling of the population of sport horses in the Czech Republic. A linear profiling database was obtained for the period 1997–2015 and it comprised 12 455 horses in total and 25 traits were evaluated. The model equation included fixed effects of gender, horse age, place, classifier*year and individual. Genetic parameters were computed by a single-trait BLUP-AM analysis. The range for heritability coefficients were between 0.05 and 0.31 for linear type traits and between 0.43 and 0.67 for measured traits. Genetic correlations were computed by a two-trait analysis between the evaluated traits and they were in the range of 0.0–0.93. The estimated genetic parameters suggest that a selection programme can be based on the genetic evaluation of linear profiling, which will lead to an improvement in conformation traits according to the defined breeding objectives.

ProjektVývoj systému genetického hodnocení a optimalizace šlechtitelských postupů v populaci koní v České republice
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat