Evaluation of lecithin as an emulsifier for weanling piglets

DANĚK, Petr. Evaluation of lecithin as an emulsifier for weanling piglets. Research in Pig Breeding, 2009, roč. 3(1), s. 11-14. ISSN 1802-7547.
Kateg. publikaceČlánky v odborných časopisech
Interní odkaz9144.pdf

The influence of supplementation of a lecithin emulsifier (0.1%) to the commercial feed mixture for piglets after weaning was studied. Totally 28 piglets in a control group (C – without lecithin) and 28 piglets in an experimental (E) group were monitoredin a 28-day experimental period after weaning at 28 days of age. The weight of piglets and feed consumption were monitored in weekly intervals. For digestibility determination the faeces were collected from the floor of pens on the last two days of eachweek. The digestibility was determined by calculating the content of nutrients in feed and faeces concerning the content of the marker (insoluble portion of ash). The average daily weight gain of the experimental group was statistically insignificantlyhigher while the feed conversion ratio was found to be statistically significantly lower. The positive influence on the digestibility of crude fat and ash was more significant in the first half of the experiment.

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