Evaluation of Nitrogen Fractions in Ruminant Nutrition

KOUKOLOVÁ, Marie, KOUKOLOVÁ, Veronika a HOMOLKA, Petr., 2013 Evaluation of Nitrogen Fractions in Ruminant Nutrition. In NutriNET 2013. Nitra: Slovak University of Agriculture, s. 57-62. ISSN
Kateg. publikaceOstatní..
Interní odkaz13104.pdf

Data set of forage samples (n = 6) was used for this study for evaluation of nitrogen fractions in ruminant nutrition. Three samples of Avenella flexuosa and three samples of pasture forage were ikied, milled said then analyzed for individual nutrients and gross energy value. Individual nitrogen fractions were determined by following laboratory methods: determination of non-protein nitrogen (NPN), determination of insoluble protein (IP) and soluble protein (SOLP), deterrnination of nitrogen insoluble in acid detergent (ADIP) and determination of nitrogen insoluble in neutral detergent (NDIP). From these values were calculated fractions A (non-protein nitrogen), fraction Bl (rapidly degradable protein), fraction B2 (intermediately degradable protein), fraction B3 (slowly degradable protein) and fraction C (bound protein). Nitrogen fractions mean values (% of crude protein) of Avenella flexuosa were for A 24,5 %, Bl 18,1 %, B2 4,5 %, B3 39,7 % and C 13,3 %. Averaged values (% of crude protein) of fractions A 13,5 %, Bl 17,9 %, B2 4,8 %, B3 34,7 % and C 29,3 % were determined for pasture forage samples.

ProjektUdržitelný rozvoj chovu hospodářských zvířat v evropském modelu multifunkčního zemědělství
OdděleníVýživa a krmení hospodářských zvířat