Farm Animal Biosecurity, Significant Preventive Precautions in the Engagement against Zoonosis in ruminants

TITTL, K., NOVÁK, Pavel a MALÁ, Gabriela., 2010 Farm Animal Biosecurity, Significant Preventive Precautions in the Engagement against Zoonosis in ruminants. In Xith Middle European Buiatrics Congress, Veterinářství. Brno: University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, s. 177-179. ISSN 978-80-7305-108-2
Kateg. publikacePříspěvky ve sbornících
Interní odkaz10080.pdf

Farm animal Biosecurtiy represents management practice to reduce risk of the inception of diseases from outside and to reduce the pathogens inside the farm. Simultaneously protect the financial investment and increase profitability and high final product quality. The aim of our work was the assessment the main ways of complex preventive provisions to minimise the potential disease-causing micro-organisms on to the farm for ruminants.

ProjektVliv chovného prostředí a způsobu dojení na welfare, užitkovost a kvalitativní vlastnosti mléka dojných ovcí
OdděleníTechnologie a technika chovu hospodářských zvířat