Gene expression of myogenic factors and its association with sex and growth period in cattle

KYSELOVÁ, Jitka, ŘEHÁK, Dalibor, BUREŠ, Daniel, BARTOŇ, Luděk a ŠIMŮNEK, J., 2019 Gene expression of myogenic factors and its association with sex and growth period in cattle. In Book of Abstracts ISAG 2019. ISAG International Society of Animal Genetics Conference, s. 113. ISSN
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The aim of the study was to measure the mRNA expression of four myogenic factors (MYF5, MYF6, MYOD1, and MYOG) involved in transcriptional regulation in Musculus longissimus lumborum (MLL) of cattle throughout the life cycle and to estimate relationship among expression levels and sex or growth period. Biopsy samples (age of 11 and 15 months) and slaughter samples (19 mo) of MLL were collected from 12 bulls and 12 heifers of Czech Fleckvieh. Relative levels of target and reference gene mRNA were determined using 2-step real time quantitative PCR with specific TaqMan Gene Bovine Expression Assays. The expression was calculated for each sample as a ratio of the target gene mean Cq (threshold cycle) to the 3 reference genes mean Cq using the Pfaffl formula based on gene assay efficiency and sample specific normalization factors. Gene expression was analysed using mixed linear model (MIXED and GLIMMIXED procedures of SAS). The model was structured to determine the effects of sex, sampling date, and their interaction. Parameters were estimated by the REML method. Least squares means (LSM) were calculated, and multiple comparisons were made with P-values adjusted using Tukey’s procedure. Expression data indicated a gender- and age-specific pattern. Earlier maturing heifers exhibited higher mRNA levels than later maturing bulls (P 15mo > 19mo of age at heifers. Generally lower but more balanced expression throughout life time was observed at bulls; with the highest values in the early age and with the lowest values observed in the middle age of 15 mo (P

ProjektDlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace
OdděleníChov skotu, Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat