Genomic single-step national evaluation of Holstein cattle in the Czech Republic

KRANJČEVIČOVÁ, Anita, PŘIBYL, Josef, ŠPLÍCHAL, J., BAUER, Jiří., MOTYČKA, J. a VOSTRÝ, Luboš., 2017 Genomic single-step national evaluation of Holstein cattle in the Czech Republic. In ISAG 2017 Abstract Book. Dublin, Ireland: University College, s. 76-77 MT74. ISSN
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Genomic national evaluation of dairy cattle using SNP markers on 50K Illumina Beadchip is routinely applied for production traits and somatic cells score where the test-day random regression model is used. Conformation and reproduction traits are evaluated by single trait animal model and longevity is evaluated by survival kit.

OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat