Histological composition, physiochemical parameters, and organoleptic properties of three muscles from Fleckvieh bulls and heifers
Kateg. publikace | Vědecké publikace impaktované |
Interní odkaz | 22045.pdf |
Abstrakt | The histochemical characteristics, physical attributes, chemical composition, and sensory profile of three muscles (longissimus thoracis et lumborum – LTL, rectus abdominis -RA, triceps brachii – TB) from Fleckvieh (N = 24) bulls and heifers were compared. Samples of each muscle were taken within 1 hour of slaughter, to assess muscle fibre traits, and physio-chemical meat quality was assessed in each muscle at 48 hours post mortem, followed by the sensory assessment of the muscles after 7 days of ageing. Despite identical raising conditions, bulls showed more favourable growth and slaughter performance, but heifers produced meat with more favourable sensory characteristics, as a result of a higher proportion of IIB fibers in their muscles, as well as a higher intramuscular fat content, and lower collagen content. |
Projekt | Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace |
Oddělení | Chov skotu |
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