Impact of dietary inclusion levels of camelina cake (camelina sativa (L.) CRANTZ) on meat quality in growingfattening mpact rabbits

PONTALTI, Emanuele, AREMU, Tolulope, SINGH, Yazavinder, NEEDHAM, Tersia, VOLEK, Zdeněk, TŮMOVÁ, Eva, CHODOVÁ, Darina, CULLERE, Marco, PALUMBO, Bianca, GALASSO, Incoronata a DALLE ZOTTE, Antonella., 2024 Impact of dietary inclusion levels of camelina cake (camelina sativa (L.) CRANTZ) on meat quality in growingfattening mpact rabbits. In 13th World Rabbit Congress. Tarragona: World Rabbit Science Association, s. 728-731. ISSN 978-84-09-65217-4
Kateg. publikacePříspěvky ve sbornících
Interní odkaz24111.pdf

The present research tested the feasibility of a dietary incorporation with different levels of Camelina sativa (CS) cake in the diet of growing rabbits as a partial or total replacement of rapeseed meal.

ProjektDlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace
OdděleníFyziologie výživy a jakost produkce