Improvement of dairy cattle genomic evaluation in the Czech Republic

KAŠNÁ, Eva., 2019 Improvement of dairy cattle genomic evaluation in the Czech Republic. In Prezentace na semináři 29.11.2019. Guelph (Kanada): Universita Guelph, s. . ISSN
Kateg. publikaceOstatní..
Interní odkaz19232.pdf

The presentation focuses on the possibility of improvement of genomic evaluation via including of cows to the reference population. The project is defined with four consequent objectives, which are the optimization and automatization of DNA isolation from different biological samples, including the imputation of results from different sources to the unified format. SNP files will be used for Czech Holstein population studies (diversity, ROHs, inbreeding, etc.). Genotyped cows with own production will supplement the national reference population. Acquired results will be used for national genetic evaluation of Holstein, which is currently provided for milk production traits, longevity, type traits and fertility.

ProjektNavýšení spolehlivosti celostátního genomického hodnocení dojeného skotu zařazením krav s domácí užitkovostí do genotypované referenční populace
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat