Interbeef international genetic evaluation for calving traits
Kateg. publikace | Příspěvky ve sbornících |
Interní odkaz | 19295.pdf |
Abstrakt | Since 2007, Interbull Centre, with the help of ICBF (Ireland) and INRA (France), has developed the different tools to run Interbeef joint genetic evaluation of beef cattle. The first official run was performed in 2014 on Charolais (CHA) and Limousine (LIM) weaning weight. The second group of traits of interest was calving traits (calving ease – CAE and birth weight – BWT). The Czech Republic (Institute of Animal Science) is responsible for the estimation of genetic correlations between countries and for the development of international genetic evaluation for these traits. The first official routine run for calving traits was performed in 2018 for CHA, LIM, and Beef Simmental (BSM). The model chosen for international genetic evaluation is an animal multiple trait model based on raw performance data and considering each country as a separated trait. The both calving traits (CAE and BWT) are evaluated jointly as correlated traits in multiple trait model as well. Nine countries are currently involved in international genetic evaluation for calving traits: i) for all breeds Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, ii) for LIM and CHA France, iii) for CHA South African Republic, iv) for LIM United Kingdom and v) for BSM Germany. Across-country genetic correlations were estimated by two series of pairwise country analysis successively: 1. Animal model with direct genetic effect (DIR) and maternal permanent environmental effect (MPE) and 2. Animal model for DIR and maternal genetic effect with MPE effect. The resulting matrices were bended to make them positive definite. Average direct genetic correlations for BWT across countries were 0.7 (CHA), 0.79 (LIM), 0.84 (BSM) and for CAE 0.67 (CHA), 0.70 (LIM), 0.45 (BSM). Average maternal genetic correlations for BWT between countries were 0.47 (CHA), 0.45 (LIM), 0.49 (BSM) and for CAE 0.58 (CHA), 0.53 (LIM), 0.79 (BSM). |
Projekt | Využití genomických údajů a optimalizace šlechtitelských postupů u masného skotu, Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace |
Oddělení | Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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