Livestock Animal Genetics and Breeding Innovations in the Czech Republic

ZAVADILOVÁ, Ludmila a KRUPA, Emil., 2024 Livestock Animal Genetics and Breeding Innovations in the Czech Republic. In Uspořádání workshopu.. Praha Uhříněves: Výzkumný ústav živočišné výroby, v.v.i., s. . ISSN
Kateg. publikaceUspořádání konference nebo workshopu; audiovizuální tvorba
Interní odkaz24165.pdf

On Friday, September 20, 2024, the international meeting Livestock Animal Genetics and Breeding Innovations in the Czech Republic took place at the Research Institute of Animal Production, organised by the Department of Genetics and Breeding of Farm Animals the Institute of Animal Science, v.v.i. and EU-LI-PHE, European Network for Farm Animal Phenomics. Several lectures were held during the seminar, which will be available online.
Mrs Adna Ašič (Verlab Research Institute, Sarajevo, B&H), Science Communication Coordinator for EU-LI-PHE, presented the COST action EU-LI-PHE, the European Network for Farm Animal Phenomics. Animal breeding depends on the availability of accurate and specific phenotype data, and phenotyping is increasingly recognised as a limiting factor in all livestock genetics and genomics applications. The acquisition of relevant phenotypes is also crucial for the routine and day-to-day management of livestock populations to optimise reproductive strategies, disease control, and animal welfare. EU-LI-PHE is open to all interested in livestock farming, scientists and breeders through working groups. All information can be found on the website.
This presentation was followed by a lecture by Mrs Amélie VANLIERDE (Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, Belgium) and Mrs Hélène SOYEURT (University of Liège, Belgium) on the possibilities of predicting methane production using milk spectrometry and creating a generally applicable prediction equation for dairy cattle (Enteric CH4 emissions predicted from milk MIR spectra; robustness as the key to a model that crosses borders). Mr Petr FLEISCHER (Veterinary Research Institute in Brno, Czech Republic) then presented in his lecture the monitoring of health diagnoses in cattle in the Czech Republic (Voluntary harmonised record of health events on cattle farms in Czechia and its use). Mr Emil Krupa (Czech-Moravian Breeders Association, Czech Republic) presented a paper (Comprehensive processing and use of data obtained from recording systems in livestock breeding) on the processing and use of data obtained during the control of livestock performance in the Czech Republic. The last presentation before the discussion (Mining data from modern technologies, including infrared spectroscopy) was devoted to the possibilities of using milk spectrometry to predict feed consumption and feed efficiency in dairy cattle. The meeting, which was also broadcast online, was attended by representatives of the breeders and breeders organisations, the Ministry of Agriculture, the press, teachers and university students, and visitors from abroad. The impetus for the meeting was a meeting of scientists in the Czech Republic involved in EU-LI-PHE (East Europe hub meeting).

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