Modification of Tukey’s additivity test

ŠIMEČEK, Petr a ŠIMEČKOVÁ, Marie. Modification of Tukey’s additivity test. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2013, 143, 197-201. ISSN 0378-3758.
Kateg. publikaceVědecké publikace impaktované
Interní odkaz13001.pdf

In this paper we discuss testing for an interaction in the two-way ANOVA with just one
observation per cell. The known results are reviewed and a simulation study is
performed to evaluate type I and type II risks of the tests. It is shown that the Tukey
and Mandel additivity tests have very low power in case of more general interaction
scheme. A modification of Tukey’s test is developed to resolve this issue. All tests
mentioned in the paper have been implemented in R package AdditivityTests.

ProjektGenetické hodnocení plodnosti a růstu skotu, Udržitelný rozvoj chovu hospodářských zvířat v evropském modelu multifunkčního zemědělství
OdděleníBiometrická jednotka