Multi-Trait Evaluation of Binomial Traits in Dairy Cattle

HOFMANNOVÁ, Michala, PŘIBYL, Josef, KRUPA, Emil a PEŠEK, Petr., 2017 Multi-Trait Evaluation of Binomial Traits in Dairy Cattle. In XXI. Summer School of Biometrics. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, s. 36. ISSN
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Two-traits model with binary record of the fertility (pregnant/non-pregnant) was used for cows and for heifers of Holstein cattle. In the raw data there were 7 974 916 records. After removing inappropriate records (including the removal of all breeds except > 75% purebred Holstein) and after iterative removal of groups with too small number of peers there were used 3 248 299 records from 677 234 representative ani­mals. Using pedigree with 14 generations of ancestors, the inbreeding coefficients were calculated in program CFC. With LSM method was estimated the model with the best combination of fixed effects, which was then used in BLUP animal model, which included additional two random effects (genetic and permanent environmental of an­imal).

ProjektCelostátní informační systém genetického hodnocení hospodářských zvířat
OdděleníGenetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat