New traits for selection in the Czech sire pig breeds
Kateg. publikace | Ostatní.. |
Interní odkaz | 21145.pdf |
Abstrakt | Functional traits along with the production parameters are essential goals of pig breeding programs. Optimal emphasis on both animal aspects in selection can also improve the farm economics in sustainable way. For selection of boars operating at insemination centres and thus for entire production system, the sperm quality traits belong to such key functional traits. Therefore, semen volume (VOL), sperm concentration (CON), sperm motility (MOT), and abnormal spermatozoa (ABN) were added to the current breeding objectives (i.e. lifetime daily weight gain – ADG and lean meat content – LM) of the local sire pig breeds. The breeding values routinely estimated for these traits were used as selection criteria. Genetic and economic parameters of traits and general principles of the index theory were applied to construct the extended selection index. Based on the current production and economic data of sire pig population, economic impact (weight) of the new goal traits expressed per sow and year were 0.061 €/ml, 0.043 €/103 cells/mm3, 0.230 €/%, and -0.197 €/% for VOL, CON, MOT, and ABN, respectively. selection index of sire pig breeds will be submitted to the local authorised breeders for further evaluation. |
Projekt | Dlouhodobý koncepční rozvoj výzkumné organizace, Vytvoření referenční populace a vývoj postupů pro odhad genomických plemenných hodnot znaků prasat zařazených do Českého národního šlechtitelského programu |
Oddělení | Genetika a šlechtění hospodářských zvířat |
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