One Week Feed Restriction in Early Weaned Rabbits: 1- Performance and Internal Organs Development

TŮMOVÁ, Eva, CHODOVÁ, Darina a VOLEK, Zdeněk., 2016 One Week Feed Restriction in Early Weaned Rabbits: 1- Performance and Internal Organs Development. In Proceedings of the 11th World Rabbit Congress. Qingdao (China): World Rabbit Science Association, s. 331-334. ISSN
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The aim of the experiment was to compare the effects of ad libitum (AL) and two feed restriction levels applied for one week, on performance and internal organ development of rabbits weaned at 25 days of age. Rabbits were divided into three groups (32 per group): group „AL“ was always fed ad libitum till 81d old, R50 group was restricted from 32 to 39 days and received 50 g daily of the same feed (46% of AL), R65 rabbits were restricted at the same age and were fed daily 65 g feed (60% of AL). In the first week after weaning and in the weeks after restriction all groups were fed ad libitum. Final live weight at 81 days of age and feed conversion ratio were not affected by treatments. Daily weight gain (DWG) was during the restriction period reduced to 61 % and 67%, and the first week after restriction DWG increased to 118% in R50 and 110% in R65 group. There was no significant effect of feed restriction on kidney, heart and lung relative weights. However, liver relative weight was decreased by restriction (P

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