Phytate phosphorus content and activity of phytase in cereals, legumes and oilseeds

MAROUNEK, Milan, BUBANCOVÁ, Ivana a BŘEŇOVÁ, N., 2011 Phytate phosphorus content and activity of phytase in cereals, legumes and oilseeds. In IX. Kábrtovy dietetické dny. Brno: VFU, s. 118-121. ISSN
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Phytate phosphorus and phytase activity were determined in 26 samples of cereals, legumes and oilseeds. Phytate phosphorus contents varied from 1.34 to 4.20 g/kg DM (2.44 g/kg DM on average), being the highest for sunflower meal, linseed and lupin. Rye had the highest phytase activity followed by wheat and wheat – containing diets.

ProjektVyužití synbiotik a rostlinných extraktů ve výživě lidí a zvířat
OdděleníFyziologie výživy a jakost produkce