Pig Carcass Value Parameters Analysed within the Context of Seurop Grading System
Kateg. publikace | Články v odborných časopisech |
Interní odkaz | 14172.pdf |
Abstrakt | The study was focused on the selected parameters of carcass value used within the SEUROP grading system. There were 1591 pig carcasses put in the test. The lean meat content was determined using the new predicting formula Y(%)=70.28164 – 0.75376 S + 0.00270 M. The average lean meat content reached the value of 59.62 +/- 0.069% and the average carcass value was 91.67 +/- 0.259 kg. Comparing to the old regression formula there was an increasing tendency of the lean meat content of two percentage points. The results of the test according to the grading classes show a very similar share of the two best classes S and E. In the class S were 741 carcasses (46.57%) and in the class E were 739 carcasses (46.45%). Into these two classes were ranked more than 93% of all carcasses put in the test. In the class U were 107 carcasses, which made 6.73% of the sample. In the class R were only 4 carcasses (0.25%) and the classes O and P were not represented. For the use in practice is then necessary to put the subclasses in the range of 1% in the SEUROP grading system – every class is divided into 5 subclasses. In the Czech republic, the carcasses with the carcass weight between 80 and 100 kg are preferred. In this weight interval were 65% of the carcasses. The highest lean meat content (62.14%) was within the weight category 60-70 kg compared to the category of 110-120 kg where the lean meat content was only 56.11%. |
Projekt | Rozvoj hospodářských zvířat v multifunkčním zemědělství |
Oddělení | Chov prasat |
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