Polymorphism of LGB locus and its effect on milk production parameters in Czech Fleckvieh

MATĚJÍČEK, A., KUČEROVÁ, Jitka., NĚMCOVÁ, Eva., JANDUROVÁ, Olga M., ŠTÍPKOVÁ, Miloslava., FRELICH, J. a BOUŠKA, Josef., 2006 Polymorphism of LGB locus and its effect on milk production parameters in Czech Fleckvieh. In 41st Croatian & 1st International Symposium on Agriculture. Osijek: Poljoprivredni fakultet sveučilišťa J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, s. 625-626. ISSN 953-6331-39-X
Kateg. publikacePříspěvky ve sbornících
Interní odkaz6069.pdf

The aim of this study was to detect allele and genotype frequencies and find the relation between LGB genotypes and breeding values for milk production parameters in Czech Fleckvieh sires. Only alleles A and B were detected with frequencies 0.53 and 0.47. The most frequent genotypes were AA (29.2%) and BB (23.3%) The relation between LGB genotypes and milk production parameters were significant only in case of fat content. The highest breeding values for milk and protein yields were associated with genotype AA, while the highest breeding value for protein content was linked with genotype BB.

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